



1) 尽管速冻水饺品牌不少,但总括起来,其水饺产品的种类却趋于雷同,已经到了同质化的阶段,各大品牌之间消费者从产品品质上几乎没有多少挑选的余地,各品牌推出的新产品在品质上也没有大的创新。
2) 在同质化的前提下,市场竞争很重要的一点就是围绕产品的价格来作文章,因此,价格的竞争异常激烈。但从市场上各主要品牌的价格上看,包装产品几乎也没有很大的  差别,基本上处于同质同价这样一种状态。
3) 主要品牌之间的差异性较小,行业中并没有具有绝对领导地位的品牌。由于缺乏行业领导品牌,众多水饺品牌只能在同一竞争水平上竞争,品牌的个性差异性较弱。
4) 主要竞争对手广告传播诉求重点为新鲜、美味、轻松等产品的经验属性特点,诉求方式雷同,同质化的传播内容。众多生产厂家的广告诉求忽略了鲜明的产品形象、产品的直观属性和差异化的品牌传播。

  1. 研究对象
  • 速冻水饺市场概况与发展前景
  • 速冻水饺市场产业链构成及特征
  • 速冻水饺市场需求特征
  • 可以借鉴的代表性速冻水饺制造商案例
  • 速冻水饺市场投资空间
  • 俄罗斯西北国际集团资源狀況
  • 俄罗斯西北国际集团速冻水饺市场进入策略
  • 俄罗斯西北国际集团速冻水饺市场进入机会评价
  1. 研究思路
  • 通过系统与全面的调研和分析,了解中国速冻水饺市场概况和市场竞争格局,预测速冻水饺市场发展前景。
  • 通过研究中国速冻水饺市场的产业链构成及特征,分析速冻水饺市场运作体系和盈利状况。
  • 通过对速冻水饺市场需求特征和代表性制造商进行调查,了解速冻水饺市场的实际需求特点和制造商的商业模式特征。
  • 通过对俄罗斯西北国际集团速冻水饺市场进入机会进行分析,确定其未来业务发展的重点和经营模式。
  • 对俄罗斯西北国际集团速冻水饺市场进入策略进行初步规划,预测投资财务效益,分析投资风险,制定风险防范措施。
  1. Main contents of the project

4.1 Research on the general status of instant frozen dumpling market and its future development prospects

4.1.1 Scope of instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.2 Structure of instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.3 Product characteristics of instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.4 Production and supply characteristics of instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.5 Characteristics of business patterns of instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.6 Characteristics of distributing channels of instant frozen dumpling market Structure of the channels Nature of the channels Function of the channels Share of the channels Profits of the channels

4.1.7 Characteristics of the clients in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.8 Characteristics of the demand for the instant frozen dumpling market Product preference Brand preference Origin preference Price preference Channel preference

4.1.9 The supply-and-demand relationship in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.10 Characteristics of the brands in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.11 The competition status of the instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.12 The general status of the upriver and downriver lines of the instant frozen dumpling market The general status of the upriver and downriver lines and their development prospects The influences of the upriver and downriver lines on the market of instant frozen dumplings

4.1.13 A general survey of the import and export in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.14 The relevant industry standards, policies and influences of the instant frozen dumpling market Industry standards and influences Industry policies and influences

4.1.15 The investment profit of instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.16 The latest development trend of the instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.17 The existing problems and barriers facing the instant frozen dumpling market

4.1.18 The prediction of the development prospects of the instant frozen dumpling market The scope and characteristics of the market The structure and orientation of the products The marketing network and its characteristics

4.1.19 The conclusion of the research on the market survey and development prospects of the instant frozen dumpling market


4.2 Research on the structure and characteristics of the industry chain in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.2.1 Research on the characteristics of the industry chain structure in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.2.2 The profit status of the industry chain in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.2.3 The cooperation status of the industry chain in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.2.4 The problems in the cooperation within the industry chain in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.2.5 The outlet of the industry chain cooperation in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.2.6 The resource integration of the industry chain in the instant frozen dumpling market

4.2.7 The conclusion of the research on the structure and characteristics of the industry   chain in the instant frozen dumpling market


4.3 Research on the characteristics of the market demand for instant frozen dumplings (100 representative consumers are sampled from Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou respectively, totaling 300 samples from the three said cities)

4.3.1 Sample characteristics

4.3.2 Product preference

4.3.3 Taste preference

4.3.4 Brand preference

4.3.5 Channel preference

4.3.6 Price preference

4.3.7 Promotion preference

4.3.8 Advertising preference

4.3.9 Other preferences

4.3.10 The conclusions of the research on the characteristics of the market demand for instant frozen dumplings


4.4 The study of representative manufacturers of instant frozen dumplings for reference (1 case)

4.4.1 Survey of the enterprise

4.4.2 Scope of business

4.4.3 Market positioning

4.4.4 Characteristics of the customers

4.4.5 Characteristics of the products Varieties of the products Brands of the products Taste of the products The price of the products Product R&D Product manufacturing

4.4.6 Business patterns

4.4.7 Channel strategies

4.4.8 Price strategies

4.4.9 Brand strategies

4.4.10 Resource integration and cooperation between the industry chains

4.4.11 Development plan

4.4.12 Investment, profits and development prospects

4.4.13 Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the representative instant frozen dumplings manufacturers

4.4.14 The conclusions of the research on the representative instant frozen dumplings manufacturers for reference


4.5 Research on the investment space of the instant frozen dumpling market

4.5.1 Analysis of the growth of the instant frozen dumpling market

4.5.2 Analysis of the instant frozen dumpling market development opportunity

4.5.3 Analysis of the concentration of the instant frozen dumpling market

4.5.4 Analysis of the economy of the scale of the instant frozen dumpling market

4.5.5 Analysis of the bulwarks for the entry and exit of the instant frozen dumpling market

4.5.6 Risk analysis of the instant frozen dumpling market development

4.5.7 Analysis of the key factors for the success of the instant frozen dumpling market

4.5.8 The conclusions of the research on the space of the investment on the instant frozen dumpling market


4.6 Study of the corporate resources of Russian Northwest International Group

4.6.1 Background of the company

4.6.2 Professional experience

4.6.3 Capital strength

4.6.4 Management team

4.6.5 Resource integration

4.6.6 Synergistic effects

4.6.7 The conclusions of the study on the corporate resources of Russian Northwest International Group


4.7 Strategies for the market entry of Russian Northwest International Group instant frozen dumplings

4.7.1 Business positioning

4.7.2 Development strategies

4.7.3 Investment strategies

4.7.4 Product positioning

4.7.5 Target market

4.7.6 Business patterns

4.7.7 Marketing strategies

4.7.8 Channel construction

4.7.9 Brand planning

4.7.10 Product research and development

4.7.11 Product manufacturing

4.7.12 Logistics distribution

4.7.13 Prediction of the investment profits

4.7.14 Resource integration strategies

4.7.15 Performance upgrading strategies

4.7.16 Core competence


4.8 Evaluation of the market entry opportunity of Russian Northwest International Group instant frozen dumplings

4.8.1 Analysis of the entry orientation

4.8.2 Analysis of the development prospects

4.8.3 Analysis of the bulwarks for the entry and exit of the market

4.8.4 Analysis of the financial factors

4.8.5 Analysis of the risk of market entry Policy-related risk analysis and prevention measures Market risk analysis and prevention measures Management risk analysis and prevention measures Financial risk analysis and prevention measures Assessment of the risk prevention capability

4.8.6 Core elements for the successful market entry of the instant frozen dumpling






工作时间:周一至周五 9:30-18:30
